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Hi there! 👋 I'm Diego Gobbi Slomp, I write software mostly in Python and Bash
🎓 I'm a computer network technologist

👔 IT Tech - 2013 - Current

🌇 City Hall - Caxias do Sul RS Brazil

      👨‍💻 System adminstration: Docker, Vmware, Linux, Windows
      🗂️ Data integration: Python, PostgreSQL, LDAP, Samba
      📈 Monitoring tools: Grafana, Observium, Zabbix
      🌎 Network services: Postfix, Zimbra, DNS, DHCP, RADIUS
      🏓 Routers and switches: VLAN, MAC Authentication, STP
      🔐 Security and recovery: Fortigate, HP Data Protector
      🗃️ Docs and user support: WikiJS, Sphinx, Git
🎓 Computer Network Technology - 2006 - 2010

🌃 Uniftec - Caxias do Sul